Sunday, December 16, 2012

I keep clicking on “New Post.” Help! (I cannot stay quiet: Part III)

The Seed:

Facebook exchange with Joanne Markarian:

Mandy posted on Roxanne Falco’s wall:
Too funny… I just found you are a mutual friend of Hippie Peace Freaks…which I just “Liked” via my mother’s cousin Joanne Markarian, who live thousands of miles away in Los Angeles, CA. BTW, she’s a rabid Democrat (LOL)! Your Mom, Gloria Falco would love her!
Small World…I love Facebook!
Blessings to you & Mom for the Holidays & Beyond!
Joanne posted on Mandy’s wall:
Hey there Mandy….just wanted to clarify….vociferous independent not a rabid dem…
Mandy commented on Joanne’s post, but it turned into a full blown blog post:
Thanks, for clarifying that. (I really was just trying “poke” you to see if you were following me on FB. LOL!)  Roxanne and Gloria Falco are both members at one of our fitness centers (they happen to be originally from Easton, PA).  Adrian Suarez is always arguing politics with them. All in good fun.


The Epiphany:

I sure am learning a lot these days. I think I am realizing is that what I really am is more Libertarian than Republican anyway. I find myself conflicted, though. History has shown us again and again, that when “social liberties” are afforded (by “vociferous independents”) without bound, the demise of such a culture has begun. By the time it’s citizens turn around and say, “Hey, things seem to be getting a little out of control here. Something has to be done.” It’s already too late. Collapse is immanent. (BTW, when a culture does reach this point, the majority invariably refuses to believe it. They cannot see the forest for the trees.)

I am going to run with Freedom of Religion on this one:

Sure, you and I have strong spiritual beliefs, values and morals; and I would like to believe that the majority of humans do too. It seems that the problem begins when we start drawing lines in the sand about what is right and wrong. Where does it end? Furthermore, who (besides one’s own God or conscience) decides where that end is?

I think freedom of religion awesome, but as a “culture”—which is precisely what I see slipping away in America: CULTURE—we have to agree to be unified on certainCULTURAL issues. This would require each of us to compromise (or tolerate) something less than what equates to each of our own personal ideals.

I am insanely blessed to enjoy the freedom of my own personal sprawling, eclectic, unnamable form of worship. I also have deep pride and respect for the fundamental Judeo-Christian principles our country, as well as for The Bible, which is our handbook.

I do not identify myself as a Christian, per say. However I do not want to ban Christmas Trees or Nativity Scenes from being displayed downtown. I do not want to take down The Ten Commandments from The Supreme Court. I do not want to eliminate a child’s RIGHT TO PRAY in a public school, and I do not want to force a child to pray when they exercise their RIGHT TO ABSTAIN.

All of these things are a part of MY American CULTURE. Every enduring culture in history has had some degree of integration of “church and state.” (Note the use of the word integration, not occupation.) As a citizens of the United States of America, it is one of our civic duties to ACCEPT Judeo-Christian principles as the supporting STRUCTURE for this great country, without having to call one’s-self a Christian! Then, we can go wherever we want to worship however we please…or not at all! Better yet, if we’re still not happy… WE CAN LEAVE!

Personally, I am currently a proud member of UnityUnity on the Bay, and Fellowship of Isis. (Thank Goddess!) Not to mention NAAA, and sometimes OA.  LOL!

I’ve got the news on in the background, as I write this. Today is the third day of continuing coverage on the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in New Town, Connecticut. Joe Lieberman is talking about how we need to form National Commission on Mass Violence (Yay! Let’s all go wipe our asses with some more tax-payer dollars!), and it sounds like Dick Durbin wants to overturn the Second Amendment (I guess it’s time for me to close this rant, before they ban my blog too.).
Footnote: Adrian tried to post a few opinionated words on Facebook yesterday and he couldn’t. The page kept kicking back to refresh, every time. He finally rearranged a sentence or two and the post was accepted.


The day the majority repeals…

The First Amendment will surely be that of my

Last Words.

My Favorite Picks for The Golden Rule:

Ancient Egyptian: “Do for one who may do for you, that you may cause him thus to do.”
Yoruba: “One going to take a pointed stick to pinch a baby bird should first try it on himself to feel how it hurts.”
Wicca: “An it harm no one, do what thou wilt”
Zoroastrianism: ”Whatever is disagreeable to yourself do not do unto others.”

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